วันจันทร์ที่ 16 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Turandot (Chandos Opera In English)

Turandot (Chandos Opera in English)


Yes, its sung in English, and the translation is as pungent as the original, but the compelling reason for buying this set is for the Turandot. It is, hands down, Jane Eaglens finest recording. The soprano is in superb voice, absolutely secure, with high notes easy and blazing and tenderness available when needed. A great performance. ONeills Calaf is caught too late in his career to be totally heroic, but his dedication and involvement are never in doubt. Mary Plazass Liu has the requisite (amazingly beautiful) soft high notes, and shes deeply moving. Clive Baylay does what he can with Timur, the dullest bass role in opera. Nicolai Gedda offers a cameo as the ancient Emperor, singing in perfectly understandable English. David Parrys leadership is thrilling. And Chandoss engineers have given us a crystal-clear recording, even in the biggest, heaviest moments. Very exciting. --Robert Levine
Rate Points :3.5
Binding :Audio CD
Label :Chandos
Manufacturer :Chandos
ProductGroup :Music
Studio :Chandos
Publisher :Chandos
UPC :095115308622
EAN :0095115308622
Price :$31.98USD
Lowest Price :$21.46USD
Customer ReviewsEaglen disappoints
Rating Point :2 Helpful Point :0
Jane Eaglen has often been touted as the coming great dramatic soprano. However, her recorded work doesnt give people any such impression. Her Turandot on this set is underpowered, unsteady and unfeeling. Its just a cardboard protrayal without any real vocal or interpretative distinction. The other members of the cast perform adequately.
Introduction To Turandot For Starters
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
The Chandos Opera In English series are perfect introductions to opera for beginners. This Turandot features the great talents of Dennis ONeill as Calaf, Jane Eaglen as Turandot, Mary Plazas as Liu and as the Emperor is Nicolai Gedda. Sung in English, it does not sacrifice the dramatic content, nor the original melodic beauty of Puccinis Italian opera style. What a splendid intro to opera for novices. Among other operas in the English-sung series are Mozarts Don Giovanni, Wagners Ring Cycle, Puccinis Tosca and Bizets Carmen, all popular and mainstream operas that are performed in major opera companies in our current day.

Turandot was Puccinis final masterpiece, opening night was in Italy in 1926 directly after Puccinis death. It is said every noted celebrity and big wig was there, except for Mussolini who hated the operas mix of patriotism and emphasis on the triumph of love. Turandot is set in ancient Peking, China, in a time of legend. The Princess Turandot (Jane Eaglen) the virgin daughter of the Emperor, has been decreed by law to wed the man who answers three riddles. Every suitor has failed so far and executed. As the opera begins, the Prince of Persia is being executed. Calaf (Dennis ONeill)is the son of Timur, the Tartar King, who is nearly crushed in the milling crowd. He meets up with his father and with his slave girl Liu, who is in love with Calaf. Upon first sight of the cold and proud Turandot, he vows he will answer all three riddles and strikes the gong. The three Ministers Ping Pang and Pong provide comic relief and melodic trios as they try to reason with Calaf. Turandot appears and tells the story of her wronged ancestor, Princess Lo-u-Ling, who was killed (and possibly raped) by the armies of the Tartar enemy. She asks the three riddles and each time Calaf answers correctly. She begs her father to change the law but her father insists the law is sacred. Calaf does not want to have her by force so he makes a deal with Turandot. If she discovers his name by dawn the next day, she will not have to marry him. Liu is in love with Calaf and attempts to keep his name a secret, even under torture. She stabs herself. Calaf finally kisses Turandot and breaks the spell. She is now in love with him and decides to keep his identity as a Tartar enemy a secret, proclaiming his name is "Love" to the public. The finale is one of the most renowned in opera history. Jane Eaglen is the reason you should purchase this recording. She is first and foremost a Wagnerian soprano, in the tradition of Birgit Nilsson who also sang the role of Turandot. Turandot is an icy Empress, whose high tessitura and sustained high notes are not flexible, but pretty static, yet powerful, cutting through the orchestra. This kind of voice is the definition for Wagnerian vocals and it is perfect that Jane Eaglens mighty voice is suited for Turandot. She has also sang the role of Brunhilde in Wagners Ring operas.
A mediocre performance
Rating Point :2 Helpful Point :4
I dont find this recording to be at all satisfactory. The orchestral playing is good enough and Puccinis colorful score gets a vivid, if not truly exceptional reading. Unfortunately, the singing leaves much to be desired. Jane Eaglens Turandot is underpowered and she sounds like the characters same old haughty self even when shes supposed to be won over by Calafs love. This is a very one-dimensional and uninteresting characterisation. Dennis ONeill is caught here past his prime. Some of the high notes (and high lying passages) are rather effortful and the tenor is not in very fresh voice. Mary Plazas gives a tender performance of Liu with some beautifully spin-out high notes. Hers is the best performance of the set. The other roles are adequately taken but its good of have Gedda as the Emperor.
this turandot rules supreme
Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :4
This performance is recorded in magnificent sound and captures an interpretation full of energy and verve by all performers involved.

jane eaglen, above all, our greatest living turandot.
the chandos company captures the full beauty and size of her voice ( as it did with her tosca and aida ) unlike any of her sony recordings ( why ? why ? why ? ). this will tide us over until decca FINALLY releases the live metropolitan performance with pavarotti, hong and levine it has been sitting on lo these many years.

dennis oneil, excellent in everything except the big act 3 aria
and their the competition is just too fierce. plazas is a good
liu and like oneil maybe lacking that last bit of polish that
makes a good singer a great one.

and speaking of great singers, nicolai gedda as the emporer,
what a treat !

timur, ping, pang and pong all very good.
the scene change for act 2 has to be heard ( and felt ) to be believed ( i think my living room floor shuddered )

parry, the conductor, knows how to drive this piece forward and when to take his time and the chandos team captures the chorus and orchestra in extraordinary clarity and sparkle.
i have rarely heard an accoustic so spacious and full.

all hail jane eaglen ! may she reign for a thousand years !

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    วันเสาร์ที่ 14 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

    Puccini - Madame Butterfly / Huang, Troxell

    Puccini - Madame Butterfly / Huang, Troxell


    Madame Butterfly is the heartwrenching story of a beautiful young geisha who sacrifices her family, her religion and, ultimately, her life for her American husband. Butterfly is the young bride of Lieutenant Pinkerton, who buys Butterflys love while stationed in Japan and with no intention of ever taking her home to America. Martin Scorsese presents this award-winning film based on the popular opera. 133 minutes. Cast:

    Ying Huang: Cio-Cio-San
    Richard Troxell: Pinkerton
    Ning Liang: Suzuki
    Richard Cowan: Sharpless
    Jing Ma Fan: Goro
    Christopheren Nmura: Prince Yamadori
    Constance Hauman: Kate Pinkerton


    Like the finest of film scores with its fluid beauty and succession of intensely romantic tunes, Puccinis opera Madame Butterfly has a surprisingly cinematic feel. In 1995 director Frederic Mitterand exploited this quality of the story, exposing a young womans disillusionment against a backdrop of cultural chasms. Shot on location, with Tunisia doubling convincingly as a turn-of-the-century Nagasaki, this Butterfly shines with fragile beauty. The house becomes a brilliantly used set, at once airy and full of the scent of flowers and at the same time a cage for the trapped woman. Archive footage of bygone Nagasaki is used skillfully to underline the distance between the 15-year-old bride and Pinkerton.

    Purists may prefer a more traditionally robust, stage-bound Butterfly, but youd be hard-pressed to find a more visually heartbreaking interpretation. Chinese soprano Ying Huang doesnt rock the rafters with her vocal power hers is a tender, delicately observed performance. Tenor Richard Troxells self-seeking Pinkerton is well sung. Overall, this is a haunting cinematic treatment of an enduringly popular opera. --Piers Ford
    Rate Points :4.5
    Binding :DVD
    Label :Sony Pictures
    Manufacturer :Sony Pictures
    MPN :5670
    ProductGroup :DVD
    Studio :Sony Pictures
    Publisher :Sony Pictures
    UPC :043396056701
    EAN :9780767857758
    Price :$19.94USD
    Lowest Price :$12.27USD
    Customer ReviewsButterfly, The Movie
    Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :1
    Ive seen Butterfly at San Francisco, Lyric Opera of Chicago and at numerous other venues, so its an opera whose nuances I think I know pretty well. I cannot imagine any performance that Ive ever seen of any opera that didnt have something I wished had been done differently, but picking apart this presentation really is difficult. OK, the floating relatives were a little too Hollywood, but the close-ups, setting, costumes, acting and, yes, singing were truly sublime. I have several other performances on both CD and DVD, but in all fairness, none of them take you as deeply into the love affair between Butterfly & Pinkerton as this one does. Really, the only thing Ive seen lately that approaches the intimacy of such a performance is the Met broadcasts live in theatres. If you only buy one Butterfly DVD, make it this one. In fact, Id almost say if youve never been to an opera before, start here. Its really that good.

    Huang-Troxell Madame Butterfly
    Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :1
    Huang and Troxells Madame Butterfly is an unusually successful film adapatation of Puccinis beloved opera. While the film was created with great sensitivity to the musical needs of the work, the attention to detail in every aspect of the actual filming is amazing. Everything is done so well, and comes together is such a way as to create an absolutely visually stunning film. I also recommend watching the interviews at the end--they are very informative without being dull. I truly believe, if you cannot make it to the opera house for a live experience of Madame Butterfly, watching this film is actually an acceptable alternative.
    Cant Watch Anymore
    Rating Point :1 Helpful Point :1
    Big American buffoon plucks exotic Japanese butterfly from all she knows and abandons her only to return and steal her child. When I first watched this, years ago, I cried and cried. Now I am grown up. The tragedy is that this is still business as usual for imperialist america and capitalism (and britain, france, israel)- we want you/yours, we take you, we use you up, we abandon you and we blame your tragic end on you.

    Beautiful music.

    Beautiful story, great film !
    Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
    Beautiful story. The performance is excellent. Dont miss this classic dramatic opera presented as a film. Bravo !!
    Madame Butterfly
    Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :1
    I actually bought this for my Mothers 77th birthday (at her request). She says she LOVES it!! I know that shed rate it five stars. Im happy that shes happy.

    Thank you.

    วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

    Puccini - La Bohème / Haymon · O'Neill · Opie · McLaughlin · A. Miles · Dazeley · Shore · PO · Parry

    Puccini - La bohme / Haymon ONeill Opie McLaughlin A. Miles Dazeley Shore PO Parry


    A thoughtful ensemble cast stars in this tender, introspective reading of La Bohme, and maestro David Parry ekes all of the emotionalism out of the operas sadder moments. One might ask for more rambunctious comedy in the light scenes, especially those featuring Musetta--although Marie McLaughlin certainly sings beautifully enough--but then again, we might not be able to understand the words as well if the cast were allowed to run free. As it stands, Dennis ONeill is an ardent Rodolfo missing only some sheer loveliness of sound, Cynthia Haymons Mimi is handsomely sung and quite moving, and Alan Opies Marcello is the good friend to Rodolfo. In short, a nice, believable La Bohme and complement to the best-known recorded version of Puccinis beloved masterpiece. --Robert Levine
    Rate Points :5.0
    Binding :Audio CD
    Label :Chandos
    Manufacturer :Chandos
    ProductGroup :Music
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    Publisher :Chandos
    UPC :095115300824
    EAN :0009511530082
    Price :$31.98USD
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    Customer ReviewsA sheer delight with handkerchief an option !
    Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
    Yes, many would balk at the idea of an opera in anything but the original language. Sometimes it works, especially in operetta, and Puccinis La Boheme is just that, not in the same league as Tosca or Turandot, but closer to La Rondine, somewhere in between.

    It is a charming piece, full of heart-wrenching situations, and some comedy, all given melodious invention by a master. I have some of the classic recordings: de los Angeles and Bjoerling under Beecham, Tebaldi and Bergonzi under Serafin, and they are superb in their own ways. But there is something which adds to knowing what is being sung.

    This recording, even for those like me who understand Italian, is a real joy. Parry is a sensitive conductor with a first-rate orchestra (Philharmonia Orchestra), and the singers are superb, a match for other more well-known interpreters. Especially moving are Cynthia Haymon (Mimi) and Dennis ONeill (Rodolfo). Alan Opie (Marcello) and Alistair Miles (Colline) are equally touching. Andrew Shore (Benoit) is a first-class comic singer/actor. Marie McLaughlin (Musetta) may disappoint somewhat in her Quando men vo soletto per la via (Act II waltz aria), but she is otherwise a superb performer.

    This recording makes it easy to get into the thick of the drama, with great music, well-tempered, and with passionate singing, leaving the listener, at the end, with at least one tear. The original play by Murger and Barriere, La vie de boheme (1849), was meant to pull at the heart-strings, and this production does just that.
    Greatness of La Bohme brought to the English-speaking world
    Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :3
    La Bohme is already one of the greatest operas, and this beautifully done recording recently done by Chandos makes this opera accessible to those who dont speak Italian. The orchestration and singing are both terrific and the English libretto and commentary are included. Even if you are not normally a fan of opera, this recording could be an excellent introduction.
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    Portrait In Black / Madame X (Double Feature)

    Product Description

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    Lana Turners finest screen moments...
    Rating Point :4 Helpful Point :1
    Holly Anderson (Lana Turner) is the young wife of a rich diplomat(John Forsythe).

    Neglected by her husband, she is driven in boredom into the arms of Phil Benton, a playboy (Richardo Montalban).

    When he is killed in a bad fall during one night of their encounter, she appeals to her matriarchal mother-in-law for help... But the aristocratic woman (Constance Bennett) who has always considered her an embarrassment to her family, convinces her the indiscretion will cost her husband his career and wreck their young sons life...

    Over the years, she slowly drifts into a life of alcoholism and prostitution, sinking lower and lower until. in a Mexican hotel she meets Dan Sullivan (Burgess Meredith) a smooth-talking con-man, and agrees to join him in a blackmail scheme...

    When she discovers too late that the intended victim is her husband, she shoots the ugly blackmailer and goes on trial for murder signing her confession as the mysterious Madame X...

    Unaware of her true identity, the young lawyer assigned to defend her is her own son Clay Anderson Jr (Keir Dullea), now grown to manhood...

    No one will be able to watch "Madame X" (filmed six times) without a strange feeling in the throat... So if you havent cried so much in years, this is your opportunity to see the mother-love and self-sacrifice in specially in the famous courtroom scenes... Shes truly very moving...

    Constance Bennett, one of the most glamorous stars of the 1930s returned to the screen after a twelve-year absence... Sadly, the film was Bennetts last she died shortly before it was released...
    Portrait In Black/Madame X - double feature
    Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
    These two films are completely different, but outstanding! Lana Turner gave surperb acting roles to such profound circumstances. These movies are flawless in their perfection!
    Its about Time ! Madame X Give Lana Turner an Oscar for this !
    Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
    I cant remember how young I was when I first saw this film. What I do remember is the feeling of (HOME) it gave me. I was just a kid then Im 50 now and it still gives me that same feeling everytime I watch it. The look that Clayton has on his face in that court room is "SOUL STIRRING" as he gazes into his mothers eyes. A true Ross Hunter classic. If you cant feel Lana Turners pain as she wonders aimlessly from place to place, city to city, town to town , this film is what happy endings is all about. Life can be wondeful if you just believe !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Madame X
    Rating Point :5 Helpful Point :0
    I bought this DVD for my mother to replace the video she had. This is one of her favorite movies. We have watched it together many times. It is good and a real tearjerker!
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